Выполни задание на карточке.

A. Underline the correct word.

1. Can I have (a / some) water, please?
2. How (many / much) sugar do you need?
3. There are (much / a lot of) cherries on the table.
4. There is too (many / much) salt in the soup.
5. There is (a few / a little) milk left in the fridge. It will be enough for the pancakes.
6. A traditional Japanese breakfast includes a bowl of soup and (a / some) steamed rice.
7. We had (few / little) snow last winter.
8. How (many / much) carrots do you need?
9. We are going to buy (a / some) aubergines.
10. There are (a few / a little) mushrooms in the salad.
11. – Would you like more juice? – Yes, just (a little / little).
12. There are (a few / few) apples left. I can't make an apple pie.

B. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Сколько луковиц вам нужно?
2. В холодильнике есть несколько яиц.
3. На столе мало хлеба.
4. Мы купили немного лосося.
5. В чае слишком много сахара.
6. У нас много помидоров.
7. На столе есть немного сыра.