A. Underline the right words.

1. Is this (your/yours) garage? Yes, it's (our/ours).
2. (Their/Theirs) computer is better than (my/mine).
3. I have found (my/mine) hat, but where is (your/yours)?
4. Are these toys (him/his)? – No, they are (her/hers).
5. The red ball is (their/theirs). (Our/Ours) is yellow.
6. (Him/His) cat is grey, and (her/hers) is black.
7. That is (her/hers) pen. (Your/Yours) is under the desk.

B. Fill in possessive pronouns.

1. They've bought a bookcase. The bookcase is __________ .
2. We've drawn two pictures. The pictures are _________ .
3. Jane is wearing a scarf. The scarf is ____________ .
4. I have written a tale. This tale is ____________ .
5. You play the guitar. Is this guitar ____________?
6. The girls have a doll. The doll is ____________.
7. Nick's coat isn't black. ___________ is grey.

C. Fill in the verb to be in the right form.

1. _______ Alice a waitress? – No, she _______ a nurse.
2. How old _______ you? – I _______ twelve.
3. How old _______ your brother? – He _______ six.
4. We _______ from Italy. We are Greek.
5. Liam _______ from the UK. He is from Ireland.
6. _______ this man a doctor? – No, he _______ a vet.
7. _______ these men firefighters? – Yes, they _______ .
8. Ben's hair _______ black. His eyes _______ brown.
9. What time _______ it? – It _______ ten o'clock.